School Profile
The District
Abernathy Independent School District encompasses 179 square miles in Hale and Lubbock Counties. The district has an enrollment of 750 students. AISD offers a full day Pre-K program, full day Kindergarten, a school-wide Title I program, vocational programs, dual credit courses, band, athletics, special education, and gifted/talented classes. Abernathy ISD students have the opportunity to graduate with 36 hours of college credit.
AISD has been recognized by TEA for its attendance rate, number of graduates on the Recommended Program, college preparedness in English-Language Arts and Math. In prior years all 3 campuses have been recognized for their test scores in writing, reading, math and science. Abernathy High School has been identified as one of the top schools in the state in English-Language Arts by Texas Monthly.
AISD stresses technology on all campuses. Currently, the district has approximately 600 computers including two labs on each campus all connected to the internet via a 30 Mb WAN connection from Region 17. AISD also maintains a wireless network on all 3 campuses with wireless labs with 20 laptop computers. The Middle School also has an iPad lab. Both the High School and Middle School have a PLATO lab for credit recovery. Each classroom is also equipped with a Promethean interactive board and projector, and all Elementary classrooms have at least 4 student computers.
The Community
The community of Abernathy has a population of 2950 and the citizens enjoy a small town atmosphere with the advantage of a larger city of Lubbock only 18 miles away. Lubbock International Airport is within 13 miles of the community. Several institutions of higher learning are located in the nearby communities: Texas Tech University, Lubbock Christian University, South Plains College and Wayland Baptist University. There is one medical clinic operating in Abernathy. There are 41 active businesses, including two banks, a pharmacy, dry cleaners, several gas stations, two flower shops, 3 hair dressers, several chemical and fertilizer companies, and the nation’s leading pump manufacturer.